2020 Mar 26

Building Museum Symposium 2020: vWA tours Wrightwood 659

Norcon, Inc. discussed experimental processes for creating smooth-finish architectural-grade site cast concrete. The exhibition currently on display at Wrightwood 659 is titled The Allure of Matter: Material Art From China. Please enjoy some images from our visit!

Img 0600 SmallFloat by Shi Hui

The warm textures of each suspended piece complement the smooth faces and geometries of the concrete stairs.

Img 0617 SmallTransformation by Yin Xiuzhen
Img 0615 SmallTadao Ando

Ando's signature: concrete forms and poetic treatment of light.

Img 0609 SmallTadao Ando
Img 0595 SmallBlack Flame by Liu Jianhua and Float by Shi Hui